How to Create a Community Server on Discord Here’s how to set up your Community server in Discord. RELATED: How to Make, Set Up, and Manage a Discord Server

When Aphrodite exclaimed hers, and said that she would tell him of a great beauty (who was Queen Helen of Sparta), Paris gave my golden apple to her, and set off towards Sparta. First of all, the three goddesses: Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, all offered bribes in return for a foolish mortal prince to choose them to have the apple. What happened next was like a domino effect, except the next domino that was being knocked down was always larger than the previous one. It’s best in crowds like these, where there are so many choices of what arguments to make between people. After this, I am sure the reveal of my true power will be discovered and I will finally be honored to be able to come to the future celebrations and parties. I sure am better at initiating discord than any of them thought me to be. Of all the mischief I have ever caused in my whole divine life, this one was the most amusing than any of the others. There is nothing I love more than watching the outcome of strife and conflict between people I made the fight. Goddesses of such high stature would do anything to get whatever the other wants. It is simply amazing how easily people (as in gods as well) can fight.

Ha! All I had to do was come to the banquet of the gods and throw a simple golden apple into the crowd, and friction between the goddesses I have been jealous of for so long occurred.